Tramlines Issue 8
Framelines 08 with Daniel Arnold, Melissa O’Shaughnessy, Robby Müller, Linda Wisdom, Tavepong Pratoomwong, Matt Peers and Melissa O'Shaughnessy
£16.99 GBP
With a cover feature with Daniel Arnold, Issue 08 of Framelines magazine is now available. This issue is packed with photographers we've long admired, submissions from the Framelines Community and a new regular feature; photobook reviews.
Who's in Issue 8:
Daniel Arnold, Melissa O'Shaughnessy, Cheryl Dunn, Robby Müller, Linda Wisdom, Tavepong Pratoomwong and Matt Peers
Photo-book reviews from Blake Andrews
Regular photoseries from Josh Edgoose and Shane Taylor
Featured photographs from the Framelines Community assignments.
Photography magazine | 112 Pages | 290x270m