Behind the image #4
There's an image by photographer Siegfried Hansen where white tape winds round a lamppost, blending perfectly with the white painted line on the road. It's a clever play on composition that, I argued in a group discussion, was definitely set up. Not that being set up is such a bad thing, but it does make you question as to what is real and what is constructed or digitally manipulated. The reason why it is so good, I was told, is the very fact it wasn't set up. Much as I still admired the image, I still would have bet the house it was set up - I mean, how often do you see things like that in the everyday world?
The very next day I was dining on humble pie, as I spotted this yellow tape and double yellow line combination in Shoreditch.
I don't think it's anywhere near as good as Siegfried's but maybe it's taught me not to be so cynical in the future.
Till next time...
Matt Peers