I suppose the sensible advice is to not get your camera out in the rain or wait till it stops. Trouble is that makes for a very short and boring blog. What then of the situation where you have planned to take pictures, but the heavens have opened for the day? It happened to me very recently; a much needed day off was booked, my gear packed, batteries charged, train ticket purchased and a day of wandering in London with my camera was all going to plan...except for the weather. Usually I'm considering the quality and direction of light, but for most of that day I wasn't even able bring the camera up to eye level for a couple of seconds without my lens being soaked.
Even if I was a glass half empty type of person, the rain would have filled to the top... so the question was, how can I use the conditions creatively and not bemoan a lost opportunity? I simply looked down.
Ok, with this one I was able to look up for a moment.
Hopefully you'll agree it paid off. As my dear old mother used to say, if you make the best of a bad situation, you might just be pleasantly surprised.
Till next time...
Matt Peers