To paraphrase the great David Bailey, we all have a truly great image in us, but the difference with him is he will have many, many more. It is rare to get as many great images in one life time as Bailey, but we can aim for more than just the one.
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Behind the image #4
There's an image by photographer Siegfried Hansen where white tape winds round a lamppost, blending perfectly with the white painted line on the road. It's a clever play on composition that, I argued in a group discussion, was definitely set up. Not that being set up is such a bad thing, but it does make you question as to what is real and what is constructed or digitally manipulated. The reason why it is so good, I was told, is the very fact it wasn't set up. Much as I still admired the image, I still would have bet the house it was set up - I mean, how often do you see things like that in the everyday world?
The very next day I was dining on humble pie, as I spotted this yellow tape and double yellow line combination in Shoreditch.
I don't think it's anywhere near as good as Siegfried's but maybe it's taught me not to be so cynical in the future.
Till next time...
Matt Peers